

 I have a loose world lore that ties together most of my post apocalyptic/robotic masks, armor and toy art pieces. I have worked on some of it with my boyfriend, Steven, who is a much better storyteller than I and it's been so much fun to embellish my ideas with him. Most of the robotic/armor pieces are designed without a story in mind and are fit into the world afterwards. We want to create a post apocalyptic world that hints at past misery but look towards hope and a journey to something better. My robots are mostly kind or "emotionally"...

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My assistant is hard at work shipping things out! She has a LOT to catch up on after the holiday break so we really appreciate your patience. I hope everyone really loves the little critters they ordered, I love seeing y'all post them online. Hope you all had a nice New Year's and I look forward to making more art for you all to enjoy!

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What a bit difference a wash can make! These are both the same color but you can see the details pop out when a wash is added. Here is a little tutorial on how to bring out the details of the cast if you want to retain the colors of the surface and let a glow in the dark effect shine through. You can also use this technique as a base wash if you are going to paint a figure with acrylics. 1: Mix isoproyl alcohol and acrylic ink together 2: Brush on the mixture! Use a good amount of...

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Hope everyone has a great holiday! My assistant and I have worked hard all year and we will be taking a little break to rest up. Shipping will resume the first week of January! THANK YOU for a great year, thank you for all of your support!

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Just an update on the baku blank pre-orders! I am halfway through pouring and sanding the bottoms of the casts, the first half will be shipping out soon. The second half will take me another few weeks! I will be taking a little time between Christmas and New Years to enjoy the holidays so please consider that when factoring in the wait time. Thank you for your patience!

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