TUTORIAL COLLECTION January 2, 2021 • TUTORIAL Here is a post where you can find all my public tutorials! I have linked them below. For tutorials on painting, sculpting, mold/casting and much more, please consider supporting my patreon! SHARK TUTORIAL EXTRAVAGANZA! KOBOLD WHISKERS AND EARS KOBOLD/SHARK DOMED EYES REINFORCE YOUR MASKS WITH FREE FORM AIR FILL IN VOIDS IN YOUR CASTS WITH EPOXY PUTTY MAKE ALIEN FLAPPY HEAD BITS, EYELIDS AND CUSTOM CARAPACE MOFFMANG FELT POSEABLE EARS AND STACKED EYES HELMET VISOR AND FINISHING TUTORIAL PAINTING ROUND PUPILS THE EASY WAY CREATING A COLOR WASH ON A CAST FIGURE MAKING REFLECTIVE EYES FOR ROBOT OR OWL MASKS ADJUSTABLE ELASTIC STRAPS FOR MASKS CUTTING OUT SHAPES IN YOUR BLANK MASK BONE DRAGON HEADDRESS HORNS ROBODOGMAN JAW HINGE 1/6 BLANK FIGURE CUSTOMIZATION Sign up for email updates on upcoming releases!* indicates requiredEmail Address * ← Older Post Newer Post →