
What a bit difference a wash can make! These are both the same color but you can see the details pop out when a wash is added. Here is a little tutorial on how to bring out the details of the cast if you want to retain the colors of the surface and let a glow in the dark effect shine through. You can also use this technique as a base wash if you are going to paint a figure with acrylics.

1: Mix isoproyl alcohol and acrylic ink together

2: Brush on the mixture! Use a good amount of ink in the mix so it comes out dark.

3: Dab with a paper towel to remove a little of the color from the surface. Just dab, you dont want to soak up the color from the recessed areas.

4: Once it's dried, gently buff the surface with a slightly moistened with isopropyl paper towel, this will remove a bit more from the surface and will bring the details out more.

5: Use a clear gloss to seal it and really bring out the sparkles! You can also use matte/satin/whatever finish but the gloss really makes the subsurface colors and glitters come out.

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