
I wanted to show you guys that you CAN erase mistakes lining up owlbear pupils! I tried to hand paint pupils using black acrylic and totally messed them up. The pupil on the right has already been scrubbed off and here is how i did it:

As long as the paint is fresh, you can take a wet q-tip and gently scrub it off using circular motions:

Gently wet and scrub, changing out the q-tips:

Eventually the black paint will come off without lifting the yellow paint underneath ( as long as that underlying layer of paint has had time to properly dry/cure) Just be patient and scrub gently!

However a GREAT way to avoid this whole issue is to just use a rubber screen stylus to make your pupil! Just dot it in some black paint and dab it on. You can also use round stencil stamps for larger circles!

So much faster!


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