Shipping + robo fox mask+ upcoming stuff

MASKS: Been secretly shipping out the DIY Robo Fox pre-orders ahead of schedule! I will be sending out a batch every week until they are all mailed out. There is still a handful of the blanks in the edition available for pre-order right now. Once all the numbers are claimed, no more will be made.


SHIPPING: I have a few items bought last week and the week before, including BJD heads that need to be shipped out! I apologize for the small delay, i have been prepping for a convention and a gallery show that are happening around the same time.... i also feel under the weather a bit today, usually Fridays are pack/ship days. Sorry! I turn into a whiny weak little crybaby when im sick. Will get it done Monday!


UPCOMING: im working on to a few of the battle damaged finished robo fox masks for release early next week, most likely Tuesday afternoon. More will be made but im just releasing finished masks as they are completed so i dont get burned out. I'm also painting up some silver finished bat half masks.

Tentative new doll release this week, new sculpt!


Like i mentioned above I'm prepping for Monsterpalooza at the end of this month! I will be bringing a bunch of dolls, creepy jewelry, Mose dolls and small original paintings. Whatever does not sell at the table will be put into the shop.

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