Schedule, upcoming

Coming soon:

- Finishing up Kitsune 2nd edition DIY orders this week, thanks for everyone's patience! 

- A few more painted one off and tiny edition Kitsune masks will be available over the next month or two.

- Bandanas are being worked on, will be here soon. I will keep updating with info and arrival dates.

On the horizon:

- I have been working on a jointed doll design for the last few weeks. They will be available for sale.

- March might be a light month for barrette restocks, there are a few things i really need to focus on for events and shows. Just a heads up!

- More soft dolls are on the way!

- Been trying to finish up a large sculpt of a temple style Baku bust to be cast in resin and sold as a wall hanging. Hoping to get it ready for sale in March.

- The next mask design is tentatively planned for late spring 2013. Not sure what design yet. I'm trying to time it so it doesnt interfere with a summer move i have planned so ...we just have to see. 

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