Final update! The ear molds have dried up and need to be remade ( protip: smooth cast 305 will chew up molds like a rat going through a wet paper bag) but this should only be a two day delay and the last three kits will still be able to be shipped out on the usual Friday afternoon schedule. I am very burned out on this run and very very tired!

The main molds are still good and with the new ear molds, i should be able to cast a few more blank kits for sale. I will post ready to ship blank kits as they are created. There is also batch of miscast kits that will go up on my patreon first this week! If they do not sell there, they will be for sale publicly the week after.

THANK YOU for your patience with this pre-order. It was a tough one with a lot of poor timing making it harder! I don't think I'll be releasing the Anubot in this form again. There may be a day when i decide to sculpt it again with my current skill level but i think it's time to put this version to bed. It seems like every time it is released, there are difficulties for one reason or another and it may just be a lesson in not relying on old work so much. We live in a time when everything is remade, rebooted and squeezed until the last drop and maybe I'm doing the same and letting safety and guaranteed $ win out but the cost is boredom and stagnation for me. I don't think it's worth it.

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