Update on Sentinel fulfillment- we are about halfway through production! We are trying not to make too many in one day so that the molds have a chance to cool and rest between pours. It seems like the faster we try to crank out casts, the quicker the molds wear out. I will be building more molds this weekend to make things go a little faster. Please be aware that all of the masks sold out within the first few hours of it's release. Usually it take days or weeks for all of the masks from a DIY run to...
mask preorder round two sentinel
ROUND 2 of the DIY blank Sentinel masks will be going up for pre-order Friday May 20th at 3pm Pacific time. ***The wait time for these will be longer than usual since im still fulfilling orders for the first round.The demand has been high so i figure it can't hurt to open for more if people are willing to be patient. Pre-orders for the first round will be fulfilled first. *** For more info on masks and pre-orders please read this:
Hey you guys! Do you want to see this shirt made? Betabrand approached me to use this design for a possible button down hawaiian shirt! It can go into production if y'all vote on it. You can do so here: Be sure to share it too!
I'm in a lot of pain today ( this is a once a month thing i go through if you catch my drift) so it's difficult to work. Wanted to get through some order packing - not sure how much i can get done. Nausea is fun too! Hopefully will be at normal capacity tomorrow....sorry!
-The first quarter of the total pre-ordered Sentinel masks have been fulfilled and are on the way! It will still take awhile to get through them all- hope to be at the last of them by the end of this month. - I'm setting a *tentative* release date for the second DIY edition for FRIDAY MAY 20TH at 3pm Pacific time. We should be pretty caught up with the first edition by then so i feel okay about opening for another pre-order then. - Finished Sentinel masks! I am working on another batch this week, might have a few ready to...