Mose news!
Good news! The factory has sent out the Mose plush order! It will be about another two weeks before it hits port in California, then may be in customs for a week....then it has to be shipped to me. Almost here! I will update as soon as i know more. Thanks for being so patient! :)
Foo bandanas are in stock + masks shipping
Foo bandanas are available again! Grab one before they sell out again! Kitsune masks have started to ship! Working through all the orders, hang tight if you havent gotten a shipping confirmation yet. There are a lot to pack and mail!
Mask news!
Good news! I will start shipping the pre-ordered kitsune masks this coming week. They will be first come, first served. Please keep in mind i have to ship them in batches. So if a friend of yours got a shipping notice and you didn't , do not panic. This process will take some time as there are A LOT of masks that need to be wrapped, packed, postaged and shipped. It takes longer than you'd think! It's also murder on my back so i can't do too many for too long. So hang tight, they are coming....
Free shipping at Society 6
FREEEEEE SHIPPING on my Society 6 goodies! Limited time!
BJD masks + jewelry
I made some BJD ( ball joint doll) masks and they are now in the shop! They are selling quickly so please snag one soon. I will make some more of the DIY versions for sure, will probably do another run this friday. I have also started up some jewelry stuff again! I'm working on more of the boar tusk pendants if you wanted one and missed out. Masks are coming along, they are taking awhile since my dremel attachment broke ( third one!) and i got fed up , upgraded to something more professional. That took a little time...