Shipping delay!
Folks waiting on orders: Printer went kaput.. of course right after i got a few dozen orders all ready to go. Sorry for the delay but stuff is coming! Should be completely caught up after this round of shipments!
Antler Barrettes and new Ram Horn barrette colors in the shop!
Just loaded up the ever popular antler barrettes in the shop! New colors so check them out... also be sure to take a gander at the new ram horn barrette colors selections as well. The new colors may not be repeated so get 'em while you can! More stuff dropping tomorrow....stay tuned :) -mm
New item update!
I'm slowly moving inventory from my old shop to the new shopify store! This includes new items..... So, what's new? -Dangly Earrings are in the Jewelry section! Werewolf, Sloth, Foo Dogs! Also check out the new rings! - Tin Boxes are new in the Accessories section too! They might not be made again so grab 'em while you can. I also put up some new ram horn and dragon barrettes as well as more demon buckles. Coming up? Glow in the dark tentacle underwear, bandannas and hand printed shirt restocks! Check back soon.
New shop is coming!
Bear with me while i get this thing looking good and doing what i need it to... it's going to be cool!